Tuesday, 15 December 2009

£60 million is not enough

Ex Railway worker and current Central Middlesbrough BNP Organiser Michael Ferguson opened last night’s meeting to save British jobs at Corus.

Over the years Teesside has been given promises after promises to regenerate the area and it has all come to nothing. The area is littered with false government promises. These include Digital City which only ever created a few hundred jobs and the Middlehaven project.

The government is frittering away money that could be given to Teesside to help regenerate the area. While this country faces cuts to public services we are still increasing our foreign aid and we are still paying £47 million per day to be in the European Union.

The £60 million that Teesside has been promised is not nearly enough. It represents less than £130 per person. What jobs will be created for that price? As you can see the government is not doing enough to help. How much difference would we see if instead of giving £47 million per day to the EU we ploughed just 28 days worth of our EU contribution into Teesside?

When Corus is gone how will Teesside recover? What will happen to the skilled workers that will be needed to build Teesside’s future? Already Corus workers are being offered the chance to leave an area where they see no future and go live in Australia or New Zealand . If they leave will we ever get them back?

Ex Labour member Pete Malloy was the next speaker. Up until 2006 he was labour member based in Liverpool but left after realising that Labour had become the problem as he believed them to be globalist capitalists and the only difference between them and the other two parties was the colour of their rosette.

He believes in local jobs for local people as it keeps skills in the area and means that those workers spend money where they live to keep the economy strong. The BNP believes in these principles. Pete Malloy then said that The BNP is more like old Labour.

He went on to contrast the aid given to Teesside to the foreign aid given out. He then went on to call for nationalisation of Corus and said it should have never been nationalised in the first place as it should be for the commonwealth of the people and not left to the decisions of politicians.

To get control of our own economy we must pull out of Europe and end immigration into this country and train our own people for the jobs of the future.

Mark Walker was next up. He called on everyone to join Solidarity for just £5 as you can’t rely on other unions to put your interests first. Solidarity will put your interests first and will stick up for your freedom.

The final speaker was Steve Finnan. He talked about the economy and how the country bailed out the banks for £850 billion which dwarfs the annual defence budget of £31 billion and which will probably take 20 years to pay off which will shackle future workers to high taxes and poor public services.

While we are in recession countries that never bailed out their banks are coming out of recession. Even if this wasn’t the case we still should never have bailed out the banks.

As the recession continues we will see more closures just like Corus as foreign companies will (quite rightly) put THEIR people first. We can already see this with Japan, India and America. It is time our government does something to protect our people and not get rid of public sector jobs in the middle of a recession.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

December News

Nine BNP activists today leafleted parts of Eston, Bankfields and Whale Hill. Thousands of leaflets were given out. People came out telling us what a good job we were doing and saying they would be voting for us when the time comes.

Michael Ferguson then informed us that he will be holding an emergency meeting in Middlesbrough on Monday 14th December at 7.30pm. The meeting is being held after news of job losses in Corus. Everyone is invited to attend. Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon and local Councillors have all been sent invites and it is hoped that we can all put political differences aside in the fight to secure British jobs.

The event will be held in the Laurel Pub which is not far from the university. The time and place is being advertised as a goodwill gesture to show that if we all work together we can do something. We hope people feel the same way.