Friday, 27 July 2007

100 attend branch meeting

100 people packed the room for Thursday’s BNP meeting. We had 5 speakers including 2 guest speakers who were Andrew Spence and Nick Griffin.

The first speaker was Andrew Harris who talked about the floods and the future of the BNP. Kevin Broughton then spoke about the need for activists and asked for many more to come forward. He also talked about the 3 stages to power.

After a short recess James MacPherson took to the flower and gave a very motivating speech which captured everyone in the room. Many people complimented him on the speech including Nick Griffin.

There was then another short recess and the small buffet was opened to everyone in the room. It was well liked by all.

Andrew Spence then got up and talked about the Sedgefield election and how one man can make a difference. He was a fuel protester. He told us how one man who takes a stand can bring a country to a standstill.

Nick Griffin then talked about the antiwhite racism going on in this country and the killing of Keith Brown who became the latest victim of multiculturalism. He talked about going to the funeral and receiving disgusting questions from a lady hack who asked “but didn’t he deserve to be stabbed?”.

There was then a short recess and there was a raffle and then donations which raised more than £150. Nick then gave a short questions and answers session.


BTLP said...

Hi, just a quick note to ask if you could update the Birmingham link as we have moved to

Will link back in return,

Many thanks, Spence

youdontknowme said...
