While you’re on my blog I will give you a chance to read some of it:
Guardian reporter Ian Cobain joined the BNP and became central
· Encrypted lists of middle-class members
· A network of false identities
· The covert rulebook
Activists are being encouraged to adopt false names when engaged on BNP business, to reduce the chance of their being identified as party members in their other dealings with the public.
Wow. So he lied about being a nationalist and he was so good at lying he became organiser. Congratulations.
We have middle class members? Just a few weeks ago we were all poor uneducated racists. Yes I know we have middle class members. Two of the members of the Teesside committee are teachers.
I don’t know about
A covert rule book? Ok what has it got in it?
The BNP has also been instructing its activists in the use of encryption software to conceal the content of their email messages, and to protect the party's secret membership lists.
That’s what BNP emails are for so outside people cannot see official BNP business. Why shouldn’t the BNP protect their membership lists? Shock horror! They are complying with the Data Protection Act something which The Guardian is not.
Party members are also employing counter-surveillance techniques, including the routine use of rendezvous points at which they will gather before being redirected to clandestine meetings.
Yes we do this. This is common knowledge so we don’t get leftwingers showing and trying to fight us. We just want a peaceful meeting. What’s wrong with that? Left-wingers do show up. Don’t think they don’t. I was once sent to a redirection point when Nick Griffin was going to come (he cancelled in the end). The leftwingers showed up, about 30 of them all chanting ‘black and white unite and fight. Bash the BNP’. When I found where the real meeting was I calmly walked out of the pub, stood over the road for a few minutes watching the demonstration which was a risk considering some of the demonstrators were in my college, one of which was in one of my classes. I waited 10 minutes then walked to the real meeting.
BNP activists are also now discouraged from using any racist or anti-semitic language in public, in order to avoid possible prosecution. In a BNP rulebook, issued only to activists and organisers, they are instructed that they should avoid acting in a way which fits stereotypes of the far right, and "act only in a way that reflects credit on the Party".
Wow! So members of the BNP are told not to be racist or anti-Semitic? I thought they were all racists?
In an attempt to achieve the degree of political legitimacy which it believes it needs to win more votes, the extreme rightwing party is attempting to establish itself in affluent areas of the capital such as
The BNP already has significant numbers of members living in those areas. They include Peter Bradbury, a leading proponent of complementary medicine who has links to Prince Charles, Richard Highton, a healthcare regulator, and Simone Clarke, principal dancer with the English National Ballet.
There are also dozens of company directors, computing entrepreneurs, bankers and estate agents among the 200 members and lapsed members living in central
So the BNP actually do have well educated middle class members. Who knew? Well just about everyone but let’s give the reporter a cookie for finding it out. You are also forgetting about the authors we have in the BNP but never mind. Atleast the nation now knows we have good members including members with links to the Royal family.
The reporter seemed to fool the BNP members who he talked to a lot. Here is his own account of what happened:
Basically he starts chatting to someone called Steve who was his first contact inside the BNP. Here is what Steve said to him:
"The whole world is pouring down on us," he said. "It's a huge problem, and it's going to get worse." Not that he is a racist, you understand - "I'm on the liberal wing of the party ... most of the people in the party are" - and he doesn't blame the immigrants themselves - "if I was a 19-year-old Kurd, I'd be trying to get into the country"
That’s what I have been saying. I don’t blame the immigrants and neither do the BNP. So how is this supposed to show us in a bad light Guardian man? If anything it shows us in a positive light.
In my seven months as a party member I heard very few racist epithets, and no anti-semitic comments.
Really? I thought we were racist Nazis who loved cooking the Jews for the summer barbecue?
Shortly after this, Sadie Graham, the BNP's Group Development Officer, writes from
The following week I receive an email with an encrypted attachment. Using the software from Nick, I open up the attachment to find it is an Excel spreadsheet listing 192 current and lapsed members living in the three central
They include dozens of company directors, computing entrepreneurs, bankers and estate agents, and a handful of teachers. One member is a former Miss
Who would have though we would have a former Miss
Thanks to The Guardian, they have only confirmed why I joined the BNP and why I will continue to support them. I am even going to email The Guardian thanking them for their hard work helping me to confirm why I support the BNP. You can do it too. Email them and thank them for all their hard work at their email address which is politics.editor@guardianunlimited.co.uk .
Guardian declares BNP a normal party.
Email gone! Could I please copy this into my blog with a referring link?
yes of course.
The poor journalist was so desperate to finish his mission after wasting more than a year of his life. He did so even though he had found almost nothing negative about the bnp!
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