Saturday, 23 June 2007

7 activists go to the seaside!

7 Teesside activists joined activists from Scarborough, York and Bridlington to take part in a day of action in the seaside resort of Whitby.

The event was attended by 14 enthusiastic activists who were organised into small groups. There were 2 stalls around town selling BNP merchandise as well as 4 activists selling newspapers in different areas of town. Atleast one team of newspaper sellers managed to sell almost half of the newspapers that were given to them as well as receiving a number of donations from interested members of the public.

While merchandise was being sold other committed activists were pounding the streets leafleting many households in the area.

Unfortunately the day of action was drawn to a premature close after bad weather intervened but spirits remained high.

Scarborough BNP has more photos of the day if you would like to see them.


Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Good effort good folks of the North East. Hopefully you will get a lot of positive feedback, and some new members.

We will be doing something aslong the same lines up here.

youdontknowme said...

I hope your day goes well when you have it.

Englander1 said...

Yes good work would have attended myself had I not been on holiday.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Great effort well done the North East

We, here in Lancaster, also will be doing something like this, and soon I hope.

Chris Hill