Tuesday 10 March 2009

Benefits to asylum seekers exposed

A local BNP activist has exposed the benefits that asylum seekers receive courtesy of Middlesbrough Council even if their application has been rejected.

Asylum seekers get £40 per week for gas and electricity and another £35 per week per person towards food, clothing and toiletries. Failed asylum seekers don’t get money to pay for food but they do get vouchers worth £35 per week.

This means that a family of four gets £140 for food and another £40 for gas and electricity which means they get £180. That means in one year a family of four will get £9360. This is more than many British families spend on household bills.

Below is the information for you to see with your own eyes. From the first answer we can estimate that there are 33 asylum seeker families in Middlesbrough. If we estimate that each family is a family of four then the price for food, clothing and toiletries will be £308,880. If we add on the price of electricity and gas then we find that the price that Middlesbrough is paying for these asylum seekers is about £378,717.

Do asylum seekers and/or refugees get free top up cards for gas and electricity from Middlesbrough House or any Council owned property which is paid for by the council or another third party or government agency? How much can they claim per week and in 2008 how much was spent on this in Middlesbrough?

Middlesbrough Council is one of three providers who has a contract with the Home Office to accommodate and support asylum seekers dispersed to the Town. Utility costs are part of the support provision within the contract and fully funded from contract income. In general asylum seekers are allocated £20 per week for gas and £20 per week for electricity with a provision for additional funds if necessary. The payment of gas and electricity is dependent on the property they inhabit, some have top up cards, others receive quarterley bills . The Council's spend on Gas and Electricity in this financial year to date is £69,837.34.

What help is given towards helping asylum seekers/refugees buy food and other household products? Are they given any money or tokens towards buying anything?

Asylum seekers that the UK Border Agency has assessed as not able to support themselves receive money that enables them to buy essential items such as food, clothing and toiletries. Unsuccessful asylum applicants qualifying for short term support receive vouchers rather than money. For current rates of support please refer to the UK Border Agency web site at the following address:-

Thank you for your email received on 9th March 2009. As explained in our response to your request ref: 1186.3.1, details of financial support available to Asylum Seekers can be found on the UK Border Agency web site provided.

You will also find details regarding vouchers issued to unsuccessful Asylum applicants receiving short term support. The site provides information on what/where the vouchers can be used. I have attached a link to the appropriate web page on the UK Border Agency web site below. The UK Border Agency has set the level of support at £35.00 per person per week, which Middlesbrough Council issues on their behalf in the form of luncheon vouchers.


johnboy said...

asylum seekers shud b all sent home they have big cars top range clothes mobiles n lots jewlery its sad they get treateds better than brits

Hiwatt said...
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