Friday, 7 May 2010

The results

The results are in for the constituencies in Teesside.

Middlesbrough South and Cleveland East Cleveland
Tom Blenkinsop (Lab): 18,138
Paul Bristow (Cons): 16,461
Nick Emmerson (Lib Dem): 7,340
Stuart Lightwing (UKIP): 1,881
Shaun Gatley (BNP): 1576
Mike Allen (Ind) : 818

In this constituency our share of the vote improved by almost 1% from the last general election which means we are making progress in this area.

Ian Swales (Lib Dem): 18,955
Vera Baird (Lab): 13,741
Steve Mastin (Cons): 5,790
Martin Bulmer (UKIP): 1875
Kevin Broughton (BNP): 1575
Hannah Walter (TUSC): 127

In this constituency our share of the vote improved by 1% from the last general election which means we are making progress in this area.

Stuart Bell (Lab): 15,351
Chris Foote-Wood (Lib Dems): 6,662
John Walsh (Cons): 6,283
Joan McTigue (Ind): 1,969
Michael Ferguson (BNP): 1954
Robert Parker (UKIP): 1236

In this constituency our share of the vote improved by over 3% from the last general election which means we are making progress in this area.

Stockton South
James Wharton (Cons): 19,577
Dari Taylor (Lab): 19,245
Jacquie Bell (Lib Dems): 7,600
Neil Sinclair (BNP): 1,553
Peter Braney (UKIP): 1471
Yvonne Hossack (Ind): 536
Ted Strike (CP): 302

In this constituency our share of the vote improved by over 3% from the last general election which means we are making progress in this area.

Stockton North
Alex Cunningham (Lab): 16,923
Ian Galletley (Cons): 10,247
Philip Latham (Lib Dems): 6,342
James MacPherson (BNP): 1,724
Frank Cook (Ind): 1,577
Gordon Park (UKIP): 1,556
Ian Saul (Eng Dems): 1,129

In this constituency our share of the vote improved by almost 2% from the last general election which means we are making progress in this area.

Iain Wright (Lab): 16,267
Alan Wright (Cons): 10,758
Reg Clark (Lib Dem): 6,533
Stephen Allison (UKIP): 2682
Ronnie Bage (BNP): 2002

Hartlepool was not contested in the last general election

Sunday, 2 May 2010

A word from James MacPherson

I'm James MacPherson, I'm 49 and work in adult education. I have a degree in politics, am a qualified college lecturer and was a captain in the Territorial Army. Born in Durham, apart from my education and when my career has taken me overseas, I've lived in the North East all of my life.

I was a Labour Party member, but the party no longer stands up for working people. All they do now is import workers and export jobs. The recent closure of Corus sums up the failure of the old parties to defend British industry. In the final analysis the strategic industries of these islands belongs in the hands of the British people.

Stockton, as with many towns in the NE is facing a massive demographic change in its population due to uncontrolled immigration and asylum seeking. Immigration is the key issue in this election, but it's an issue the establishment parties are afraid to address. A line in the sand has to be drawn, and only the BNP are prepared to draw that line.

Having worked in many parts of the world I genuinely enjoy the rich tapestry of mankind, in which each people have their own contribution to make. The British people are no different in that respect and have an equal right to a land of their own. On immigration, on Europe, on law and order, on issue after issue the old parties have failed to represent your views. I intend to represent those views.

Thank you for your support.

A word from Michael Ferguson

I’m Michael Ferguson and have been a resident in Middlesbrough all my life and have served on my local Community Council. I am proud to be representing the British National Party in my home town.

As a former I.C.I. and railway worker I have experienced employment changes, hardship and even taken reduced salaries just to stay in employment like many other local people.

There has been a massive decline in industry on Teesside and why is that? It’s because we have never had local politicians that have stood up for the area and its people.

One of the main policies I will be focusing on will be ‘BRING OUR TROOPS HOME’. I have seen too many families in Middlesbrough and the UK losing loved ones as young as 18 for an illegal war which does not benefit us. I want to see every one of our troops come home to their families and not losing their lives just for oil.

I also want to stop immigration because of the abuse of our system from which immigrants benefit, without ever paying in. This includes the immediate access to all of our services ie. Hospitals, schools, housing and benefits whilst local families are suffering.

The following are the main policies the British National Party are contesting this election on.

• Support our troops - Bring our Troops Home
• British jobs for British Workers
• Stop Immigration - no amnesty for illegal immigrants and bogus/failed asylum seekers.
• Local people first for Housing, Schools and Public Services.
• Increase the Basic Pension to £150 (min)
• Withdraw from the European Union

On May 6th a vote for Michael Stewart Ferguson is a vote for the people of Middlesbrough.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Teesside activists receive warm welcome

For over a week teams of BNP activists have been leafleting across Teesside and receiving a fantastic response from people who are sick of the old gang parties.

James Macpherson, Regional Elections Officer and parliamentary candidate for Stockton North said “we have been active in Stockton market. The response has been unbelievable. People are getting sick of Labour and many are telling us that they will vote for us.”

Kevin Broughton the parliamentary candidate for Redcar was delivering Voice of Freedom newspapers to houses in the Grangetown and Whale Hill areas. The response was good with some people putting BNP posters in their windows.

There have been reports of labour party activists leafleting outside of Netto supermarket in Whale Hill. To say they didn’t get a warm welcome would be a bit of an understatement.

Teesside BNP is fielding a full slate of candidates. This means if you live in Teesside you will have the chance to vote for us. The BNP candidates in your area are:

Stockton North: James Macpherson
Stockton South: Neil Sinclair
Redcar: Kevin Broughton
Middlesbrough: Michael Ferguson
Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland: Shaun Gatley
Hartlepool: Ronnie Bage

I am also pleased to announce that Hartlepool BNP now have their own blog.