On Sunday 16 committed activists were out in force leafleting Coatham Ward. The response was excellent with interested members of the public asking questions about the BNP. The leafleting was done in good time which allowed the activists to start on Southbank before they took a much needed break in the local pub where they had drinks and talked about the day.
Our time is coming.
Well done yet again Cleveland, 16 English speaking activists out and about telling the truth about the state of our country. You should do what the SNP are doing up here and use none English speaking Poles to deliver leaflets. That way it avoids any awkward questions being answered.
Keep up the good work Cleveland you are putting the other parties to shame, the BNP believe that a persons vote is worth fighting for, and that fight and work ethic is what the public will have representing them when the BNP get elected.
Fortunately this part of the country hasn't been enriched yet.
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