Saturday, 21 April 2007

Cleveland Labour group discuss strategy

The Labour Group today held a private meeting in the Labour club in Eston. Some notable Labour members were there including our MP Vera Baird. Our Spy tells us that the meeting started at 12 and went on after 1pm when our spy left.

Our spy tells us it was a very interesting meeting. Among things that were discussed were issues surrounding the Eston candidates. Apparently some of the candidates aren’t up to scratch…

They also discussed their general strategy. We can’t tell you any more except that our spy understands that they will begin canvassing next Saturday. The BNP is considering doing a rival canvas on the same day and planning our strategy to negate theirs.

In compiling this blog entry we would like to thank the spy (or spies) for all their hard work in finding out the information. We would also like to thank the Labour group for being so welcoming to our spy even if you didn’t know there was a spy.

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