Friday, 18 May 2007

Branch meeting held

More than 40 members and supporters attended the first post election branch meeting on Thursday. Can you spot the skin head? We can’t. This is what normal members of the BNP look like:

Before the meeting began BNP merchandise were on sale. Lots of merchandise was bought from books to T-shirts.

The meeting began with a speech from James MacPherson who is the Stockton organiser and Regional Elections Officer. He talked about the election and our fantastic results. He reminded the audience that in one year there will be elections in Hartlepool and the BNP will be ready but need money and committed activists to take Hartlepool. Ronnie Bage will be standing like he did this time. Achieving 17% of the vote we think we can win the ward but we need money and activists.

After James we had another speech by Andrew Harris who was the Teesside organiser for many years but handed the title over to Ron Armes. Andrew talked about when he joined in 1999. There were only 3 members in the whole of Teesside. He took the leadership role and built it into an area that has many more members, so many that instead of having only 3 members Teesside now has 3 separate branches giving each area it’s own leader and the ability to focus on the area. We expect to increase the branches to 5 within 2 years if all goes to plan. Infact we already have someone interested in starting a Redcar branch and moving Redcar forward.

After Andy finished, the audience were directed to the small buffet which everyone seemed to enjoy. During the break a collection was also taken with many people contributing.

After the break a raffle was held. First prize was a framed picture of St George and second prize was a bottle of wine and torch.

After that speeches and the raffle we had a BNP quiz. Team Infidels beat everyone and won £20 prize money which they donated half of to the BNP.

Once the quiz ended Alan O’Reilly gave the last of the speeches lasting 20 minutes talking about the issues we face today including the EU, Islam and uncontrolled immigration.

At the end of the night the money raised was counted and the audience was told that they raised around £200 for Teesside BNP through the quiz, raffle and donations. Considering that there were only 40 members and supporters attending which is a considerable amount meaning that on average each person gave £5. £5 is all it takes to win our country back. How will you be helping to win Britain back?

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