Friday, 28 November 2008

Anti-BNPers fail to stop November meeting

About 80 people packed the venue on Monday for the November meeting to hear Nick Griffin and other speakers.

The meeting was overshadowed by threats to the owners of the pubs by government storm troopers and threatening leftwing loons. The first meeting place cancelled 3 days before the meeting was to be held after government storm troopers gave the owners a talk about licensing while others were making threats against the pub.

With only 3 days to go the meeting organisers were able to find another pub within hours and a Herculean effort ensued to inform people of the change of venue. The new owners also had a visit from the police just a few hours before the meeting was about to start ‘informing’ them that they have to advise the police when they hold political meetings on their premises. The owners were not scared off by this and allowed the meeting to start.

The meeting was opened with James Macpherson who talked about the leaked BNP list and how our fathers and grandfathers coped in the world wars. Alan O’reilly continued this with a talk on 90 years on from World War 1 which can also be read in Identity Magazine.

Mark Walker the Solidarity General Secretary was our other guest speaker and talked about Solidarity and told a humorous story about a crank call he received after his phone number was made public. The crank caller could be joining the BNP, well we might want him when he matures enough to stop doing crank calls.

At the end of the night Nick Griffin gave a questions and answers session which lasted about an hour. Everyone was impressed and almost £250 was raised on the night.

Friday, 17 October 2008

BNP come third in South Bank

Bernard Collinson, the British National Party candidate came third in the South Bank by election, being beaten by Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Bernard managed to win just over 15% of the vote in a ward that we have only contested once before. The Hope Note Hate campaigners were out leafleting the ward a few days before the election so that could have lowered the amount of votes we achieved.

The BNP will now be focusing on other areas of Teesside in case of any other upcoming by elections that may happen in the future.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

BNP continue campaign in South Bank

The Kirkleatham by election produced results that meant that the British National Party never took the ward.

The BNP managed to get just over 5% of the vote with the Liberal Democrats taking the ward with over 1000 votes.

The fight continues as teams of activists will be campaigning all week in the next by election in South Bank where the BNP have a fantastic opportunity of making a breakthrough. The last time we stood in South Bank we managed to win 17% of the vote. With a little extra effort we can win it.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

BNP prepare for by elections

Teams of BNP activists have been busily leafleting in preparation for 2 coming by elections in Kirkleatham and South Bank.

Activists have found that they are getting lots of support especially in South Bank where people are coming up to our activists and thanking us for standing in their ward. South Bank seems especially supportive given that in the last election we won just over 17% of the vote in that ward. With a bit of extra effort we can win South Bank.

The prospect of the BNP making a breakthrough has sent shivers down the backs of the establishment causing Hope Note Hate to get their activists out spreading lies on glossy leaflets to the people of Kirkleatham. It is thought that Hope Note Hate will try to do the same in South Bank but it is unlikely that people in South Bank will listen.

The election in Kirkleatham is this Thursday but the election in South Bank will not be held then so we need anyone who can to help in South Bank where it looks like we can make a breakthrough.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Arthur Kemp speaks at July meeting

Arthur Kemp was the guest speaker at our last meeting which attracted over 55 people and a collection of over £380.

At the Start of the meeting it was announced that James MacPherson has been promoted to Teesside organiser which now means that he holds two offices within the party – that of Regional Elections Officer and Teesside organiser.

After being announced as Teesside Organiser James MacPherson chaired the meeting and Barry Towers was the first speaker. He spoke about standing up for what he believed in and being sacked by Middlesbrough Football Club. Andy Harris and Adam Walker then gave short speeches. It was then up to Arthur Kemp to give a long speech starting with the Battle of Trafalgar and ending with what is happening now and what could happen in the future.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Teesside BNP hold 1 minute silence

Over 100 BNP supporters packed into tonight’s meeting to hear talks by Nick Griffin and people who have never made spoken in front of a BNP meeting before.

The meeting began with a 1 minute silence for racially motivated murder victim Keith Brown who was brutally stabbed to death. After that sombre moment topics ranged from speeches on Common Purpose to Keith Brown and many others including a question and answer session by Nick Griffin.

People who came to the meeting didn’t just enjoy the speeches that were on offer they also enjoyed a large buffet and a raffle to finish the night off.

Nick Griffin and Civil Liberty show their support

Nick Griffin and members of civil liberty showed their support for Barry Towers by attending a protest against Middlesbrough Football Club’s disgraceful decision to sack Barry Towers.

A dozen free speech supporters turned up to hand in a petition which totalled almost 900 signatures, including 700 people that Barry Towers got to sign the petition while pounding streets of Middlesbrough. While protesting BBC Radio Tees and a freelance reporter interviewed Barry Towers and Nick Griffin. Even though the press were there Middlesbrough Football Club only allowed the protesters to stay for 20 minutes. Do you think they support free speech?

After the protest the majority of the protesters went to a nearby Middlesbrough pub and chatted with Nick Griffin and Kevin Scott (Civil Liberty) for over an hour.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

The story so far

In March Barry Towers stood as a candidate for the British National Party in a by election and gained around 11% of the vote. At the time he was employed as a steward by Middlesbrough Football Club. After finding out that Barry stood as for the BNP he was sacked for his involvement with us.

We have now decided that on Thursday May 15th at 11am we are going to stage a protest over the disgraceful treatment of Barry Towers. Unfortunately the area around the Boro stadium is private land and we have been banned from protesting there, however there is a pub called The Navigation which is about 1 minute walking distance from the ground. This is where the police are allowing us to meet and protest. The police will allow us to walk to the ground to deliver the petition but we won't be able to stay at the ground for long.

If you would like to know more information or you just wish to give Barry your support you can phone him on 07757267624.

You can still sign the petition here.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

May 15th - Mark your calendar!

Earlier today senior members of Teesside BNP met to discuss a number of issues including the protest at Middlesbrough Football Club.

As many of you know, Barry Towers stood as a candidate in a local council election in Middlesbrough. At the time he worked for Middlesbrough Football Club as a steward and finding that he was a BNP member they sacked him.

The protest has now been rearranged for 15th May at 11am. People are asked to make their own way to the ground where we hope to make it a very loud presentation. The protest will end with the petition being handed in to Middlesbrough Football Club.

There is still time to sign the petition here.

Friday, 2 May 2008

BNP increase share of vote

It was a good night for the BNP who came within 58 votes of winning Rift House Ward.

In the 2007 elections Ronnie Bage received 17.4% of the vote and came third. This time Ronnie came second with 28.4% of the vote. With only 58 votes short it seems like we can win there next time.

Lil Sutheran Labour Party 499 elected
Ronnie Bage British National Party 442
Lynne Gillam Liberal Democrat 322
John Laffey Conservative Party 291

Marjorie James Labour Party 318 elected
Susan Homer Liberal Democrat 200
Gary Spence Conservative Party 80
Sarah Bage British National Party 70
Ronnie Whitlock UK Independence Party 68

BNP supporters should not be disappointed with the results. They should be encouraged by them as this is only the second time that we have stood in Rift House and the first time we have stood in Owton. The vote share also comes after determined opposition by anti BNP leafleters who leafleted the ward only a few days before the election.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Polls close in 3 hours

There are only 3 hours to go until the polls close around the country for the elections. If you haven’t already voted do so NOW! Only you can help rocket the BNP to power.

Polls close at 10pm. Do not forget to vote or you could be regretting it tomorrow morning.

Get out and vote!

The polls are now open in the May 2008 Hartlepool Council elections and we are urging people to get out and vote as soon as possible.

The BNP have a real chance of winning in both wards where we are standing in. If you want the BNP to win only you can make this happen so don’t leave it to someone else. Every vote counts and yours could be the winning vote. Polls close at 10pm.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

We can win in Hartlepool

The BNP is on course to win in atleast 1 ward in the Hartlepool elections on Thusday but needs your help to make a win a reality.

Our candidate, Ronnie Bage stood as a candidate in Rift House Ward last year, gaining 250 votes or just or just over 17%. This year UKIP is not standing in the ward so there will be no vote splitting. We have found that we can win in Rift House ward if 80% of the voters who voted UKIP last time vote for us and 130 people who voted Labour last time vote for us. With Labour declining in the polls and people seeing what a disaster Labour are for the country there is a real possibility that Rift House could be ours on Friday morning.

In Owton ward there is a possibility that we could win there too but we have never stood a candidate in the ward before. In the last elections there were only two candidates the Lib Dems and Labour. There are now 5 candidates with the Conservatives, UKIP and the BNP joining to battle it out. This ward could go any way. Presently the Lib Dems have the ward but they only have it with a majority of 22 votes. With an increased nationalist turnout we can win the ward.

We can win both wards but only with your help. All we ask is you get out and vote on Thursday. If you would like to do some last minute leafleting you can help out today at 6pm by phoning James Macpherson, our Regional Elections Officer on 07905-198426. Every little helps.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Can you help in Hartlepool?

We are now in the final week of the campaign in the Hartlepool local and it looks like we could win Rift House ward.

The battle continues as activists will be out every day this week pushing the third leaflet that we are using in the campaign. If you are a BNP supporter living in Hartlepool we could use your help. The more people we have leafleting the more of Rift House we can cover. If you aren’t helping, ask yourself why. Do you want the BNP to make a breakthrough in Hartlepool or do you want the Lib-Lab-Con trick to stay in control of the ward?

Monday – Wednesday leafleting will begin after 6pm so anyone who works can help out. Your country needs you. Will you let your country down and do nothing or will you put the remote control down and save your country? The choice is yours.

For more information about leafleting Hartlepool you can phone James Macpherson, our Regional Elections Officer on 07905-198426.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Protest to be rescheduled

While the protest march was cancelled some patriotic freedom loving people did turn up not knowing that the march had been cancelled.

While the majority of people knew about it some people travelled from as far away as Darlington to join the march and register their disgust at the sacking of Barry Towers by Middlesbrough Football Club.

The protest is being rescheduled and it looks like it could be held sometime in mid May but it will probably just be a protest and not a march owing to the huge amount of paperwork that needs to be handed in and the cost of a march.

So far over 500 people have signed the petition in Middlesbrough town while only 131 have signed the online petition. The petition will still continue until the rescheduled protest.

You can sign the petition here.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Red tape gets march cancelled

The Saint Georges Day protest over the sacking of Barry Towers has been cancelled after the police stepped in to stop it citing problems with health and safety.

Teesside BNP has chosen to reorganise the protest until sometime in May so that they can concentrate BNP resources into fighting the elections in Hartlepool. The police have decided to overwhelm us with paperwork if we decide to go ahead with a protest in May. This includes risk assessments and employing our own stewards to help with security. As there is an election coming up Teesside BNP coffers are empty so it will be difficult to employ our own stewards.

Barry will tomorrow go to the stadium with two friends and attempt to hand in the petition as it is. The petition will be ongoing until the reorganised protest but it would be a great help if people could sign it today so Middlesbrough Football Club know the strength of the support behind Barry.

You can sign the petition here.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Election campaign moves forward

The Hartlepool election campaign is going from strength to strength with both target wards having been leafleted atleast once.

Rift House ward has so far been leafleted twice with Owton ward leafleted once. Still Hartlepool BNP will not just leave it at that. The hardworking BNP activists intend to be out there nearly every day up until the election spreading the message of hope.

On Thursday Hartlepool BNP will start the canvassing phase of the campaign to get BNP councillors elected. The more activists there are the more we can spread the message. Anyone wishing to help out in the campaign is asked to contact James MacPherson on 07905-198426.

Arrangements made for protest march

The final arrangements for the Saint Georges day protest march have been and the local media have been informed.

The march will start on Wednesday at 10am from Albert Park and the marchers will make their way to Middlesbrough Football stadium. Those that want to meet nearer the venue or want more information can call Barry Towers on 07757267624.

At Middlesbrough Football Stadium the petition will be handed in. There is still time to sign the petition by clicking here. So far hundreds have signed the offline petition and the online petition is lagging behind with only129 signing it so far.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Smear campaign launched against Hartlepool BNP

The establishment parties have pulled out all the stops in Hartlepool as the chance of a BNP candidate being elected grows.

Earlier today 13 activists were out leafleting in Rift House and Owton wards. During the day they noticed that the establishment parties were getting panicky because there were Reds out on the street putting out anti BNP smear leaflets to stop the BNP from winning a first council ward in Hartlepool. According to some residents it hasn’t had much effect on the way that they will be voting.

The build up to the election is still going well even if a smear campaign has started against us. So far over 60% of Rift House ward and 40% of Owton ward has been covered in the run up to the election with more to be covered in the next few days.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Activists leaflet Hartlepool

Ten activists spent 4 hours in Hartlepool leafleting Rift House ward in preparation for the council elections in May.

Ronnie Bage, the candidate in the forthcoming election received widespread support whilst leafleting and is looking to increase his vote from 17.4% which he received in the last council election. The last election placed him third, just 42 votes short of the second place Liberal Democrats.

The BNP are even more confident of maintaining the momentum this time around as there are less candidates standing, owing to the declining UKIP not fielding a candidate.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Hundreds sign petition in Middlesbrough

Hundreds of freedom supporters signed a petition to get Middlesbrough Football Club to reinstate Barry Towers after he was sacked for his political beliefs.

Barry Towers went out alone in an increasingly multicultural area and managed to gather 300 signatures in just over 4 hours. This amazing support meant that Barry had 1 person signing his petition every 48 seconds. Such level of support is amazing and shows that people are starting to stand up for people who are persecuted for their political beliefs. Many people said they will also show their support by coming to the protest march.

The online petition has so far gathered 58 signatures and includes supporters of freedom from places like Equatorial Guinea, Germany, Ireland and Australia. James Ascot of Melbourne, Australia said “As an overseas fan of Boro I am ashamed of this action. No matter a persons political party to fire them from their job is a shamefull as fascistic act.”

You can still sign the petition here.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Help Barry get his job back!

Barry Towers, the brave man who was sacked by Middlesbrough Football Club has decided to fight on and is asking freedom loving people to help.

The Local branch of the British National Party has created a petition and is asking those concerned to sign it and be willing to attend a Saint Georges Day march where the petition will be delivered to the Boro stadium.

Those wanting more information about the march or just want to wish Barry well are asked to contact him at 07757267624.

You can sign the online version of the petition here and you can contact Middlesbrough Football Club a number of ways all of which are listed here.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Fantastic election results gets BNP candidate sacked

The BNP showed impressive progress in two Middlesbrough by elections, each gaining around 11% in wards that the BNP have never stood in before.

While the results were a boost for the party, winning an impressive amount of votes in an increasingly enriched area, it has cost one candidate, Barry Towers his job after Middlesbrough Football Club sacked him as a steward after daring to stand up for his country. It is a shame that the club has taken this action but Barry has vowed to fight the sacking and is appealing against it with the help of the Solidarity trade union.

Since standing, Barry has become a bit of a celebrity in the town. He has been given so much support that he has organised a weekly chat with people who want to know more. This resulted in 3 ex employees of Cineworld coming to him for help after they were sacked and replaced by Eastern Europeans. Barry joined the picket and demonstrated against the treacherous sacking of these 3 hard working employees.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Teesside BNP show support for North Tyneside

Around 15 Teesside British National Party members travelled to Hebbon to support North Tyneside’s first meeting of the year.

There were a number of speakers including Arthur Kemp and Nick Griffin making a recorded speech on the efforts of the North Tyneside group.

Some Teesside members were lucky enough to win a box of chocolates in the raffle that was held. The meeting finished with Teesside Regional Elections Officer, James MacPherson giving a speech on the efforts of the Teesside group to win the coming by-elections.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

February meeting results in 2 by election candidates

More than 50 people attended Thursday’s meeting where two possible candidates were found to fight two upcoming by-elections in Middlesbrough. The elections will be held in March.

Sedgefield BNP Secretary Carl Whelpdale, the Solidarity Union President Adam Walker and his brother Mark Walker all attended as guest speakers. Adam Walker spoke about his experiences of being sacked as a school teacher for daring to stand as a BNP candidate and told how much support he has received from the school children and their parents. Mark Walker talked about his own experience of being sacked for standing as a BNP candidate.

There was another speech from Regional Elections Officer James MacPherson on the campaigns being waged against the BNP from groups like Hope Not Hate. He then asked for anyone that was willing to stand in the coming by elections to come forward which led to two people putting their names down as possible candidates. This means that the people of Marton West and Gresham will have the option of choosing a BNP candidate in March.