Friday, 28 September 2007

Dozens attend September meeting

On Thursday almost 30 people showed up for the September Teesside BNP meeting. A number of people spoke including Alan O’reilly, James MacPherson and special guest speaker Harrogate Organiser Tom Linden. All of the speeches were fantastic and I would just like to show Alan O’reilly’s speech. I hope you enjoy.

Remembrance and Flanders Fields

90 Years On

We are 90 years on from the 3rd Battle of Ypres, fought in Belgium during WW1. It is often referred to as Passchendaele, or Flanders Fields.

It was fought between July 31st and November 10th 1917 and has gone down in history as the very worst of the ‘mud and blood’ of the trench warfare of the First World War.

Last Surviving Trench Veteran

A Mr Harry Patch is Britain's last surviving WW1 soldier who actually fought in the trenches of the Western Front; from June to September 1917. He is aged 109.

He took part in the 3rd Battle of Ypres as a machine gunner in the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry[i].

Mr Patch says that for the last 90 years, he has never forgotten his three comrades-in-arms who were killed on September 22nd 1917, in the same shell burst by which he was wounded. He was then to spend the rest of the war in hospital and convalescing.

He says therefore that September 22nd is his Remembrance Day.

That is why I thought it particularly suitable that we should think about this subject at the meeting on this date.

Ypres Remembers

The townsfolk of Ypres, Belgium, remember, too.

In the wall surrounding the town of Ypres is a massive stone arch called the Menin Gate. The road through it leads to the town of Menin 2-3 miles to the southeast.

Every day, at 8:00 pm local time, the police stop the traffic via the Menin Gate and 2 buglers from the Ypres Fire Brigade sound The Last Post beneath the gate’s massive stone arch.

This daily ceremony was started on November 11th 1929 and continues to this day, interrupted only by the German occupation of Ypres during WW2, from May 1940 to September 1944. The ceremony resumed the very evening that the Germans were driven out of the town by the advancing Allies.

The walls of the arch are inscribed with the names of 54,896 officers and men from Britain and the Commonwealth who were killed in the Ypres salient between the outbreak of war and 15th August 1917 and have no known graves.

Tyne Cot

When the Menin Gate was built, it was found not to be large enough to contain all the names of the missing men.

Another 34,984 such names, of men who fell in the salient between August 16th 1917 and the end of the war, are inscribed on the rear walls of Tyne Cot Cemetery, located on the slopes of Passchendaele Ridge, about a mile from the village of Passchendaele itself. The village lies about 6 miles northeast of Ypres.

Passchendaele was captured by the Canadians on November 10th 1917 and was the furthest point the Allies reached in the battle. They took over three months to advance 5 miles. When it fell, Passchendaele village was little more than a brick-coloured stain on a watery landscape with the shell holes almost lip to lip.

During the battle, the area where the cemetery now stands was occupied by many concrete blockhouses or pillboxes, manned by German machine gunners. The Geordie soldiers of the 50th Northumbrian Division likened these blockhouses to cottages along the banks of the River Tyne and called the area Tyne Cot. The name has stuck to this day.

Tyne Cot Cemetery itself contains 11,953 graves. It is the largest Commonwealth War Graves cemetery in the world[ii].

VC Winners

The graves at Tyne Cot include 2 winners of the Victoria Cross, buried close to where they won their awards - and lost their lives.

They were both Australians; Captain Clarence Jeffries and Sergeant Lewis McGee.

Sergeant McGee came from Tasmania, the detached bit of Australia at the bottom. He was 29 years of age and he left a widow, Eileen Rose.

Captain Jeffries came from Wallsend, New South Wales. He was 23 years old.

Wallsend is near the city of Newcastle in New South Wales and both names derive from Tyneside, because that area of Australia is a major coal-mining district. That is another tie with the old country.

During the Iraq War, some controversy surrounded the award of a VC to a black man who drove his vehicle away from a post of danger while the vehicles was on fire. It was suggested that because the recipient was black, the award was a political VC.

Be that as it may, it prompts the question, what did it take to win a Victoria Cross in WW1?

An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30433, dated 18th Dec., 1917, records the following about Captain Jeffries:- “For most conspicuous bravery in attack, when his company was held up by enemy machine-gun fire from concrete emplacements. Organising a party, he rushed one emplacement, capturing four machine guns and thirty-five prisoners. He then led his company forward under extremely heavy enemy artillery barrage and enfilade machine-gun fire to the objective. Later, he again organised a successful attack on a machine-gun emplacement, capturing two machine guns and thirty more prisoners. This gallant officer was killed during the attack, but it was entirely due to his bravery and initiative that the centre of the attack was not held up for a lengthy period. His example had a most inspiring influence.”

Sergeant McGee was killed in a similar attack, displaying similar bravery. Their deeds were magnificent but the news reports must have been cold comfort to the loved ones who got the telegrams, like Eileen Rose.

But you can judge for yourself whether or not you think that Iraq VC was a political one.

The Cost

As indicated, the Flanders area was fought over for most of the war.

One researcher has reported that[iii]

“Of all the British dead of the Great War, all theatres, over a third were buried in the Ypres area.”

That amounts to over 300,000 individuals from Britain and the old Dominions.

Purnell’s History of the First World War, Volume 6, Page 2358, puts the total casualty figures for the 3rd Battle of Ypres at 524,000; 200,000 German, 324,000 British and Allies,.

Each yard of ground gained during the battle cost Britain and her Allies 30 men.

Amongst the Allied casualties were 80,000 or 90,000 dead and missing.

The missing were almost half the total of fatal casualties and consist of those individuals whose remains were never found. Their names are commemorated on the panels of either the Menin Gate or Tyne Cot Cemetery.

Of course, the occupants of many of the graves in Tyne Cot and other WW1 cemeteries were unidentified and the inscription of the headstone reads: A Soldier of the Great War, 1914-1918, Known Unto God.

That expression Known Unto God is a quotation from a 1611 Authorised King James Bible. The English-speaking peoples of Britain and the Old Dominions will never get away from that Book, no matter what they do.

It is one thing that unites them. But they were united in 1914-18 and in 1939-45 - and won the victory each time.

Like the BNP song says, they stood together

We should remember that as well.

In fact, at the outbreak of WW1, the Canadian Prime Minister said, “When Britain is at war, Canada is at war. There is no distinction.”

The Australian Prime Minister said, “If England goes to her Armageddon [the final battle of the age], Australia will go with her.”

The young men proved it so. These are the ties of blood and race that our present leaders despise and are trying to destroy. They have to be resisted.

Personal Recollections

Many sources are available that will describe the course of the battle. It is not my purpose to go over that here. What are most important are the recollections of individuals[iv], [v], [vi] who endured the battle.

They highlighted various aspects of the campaign.

Corporal Joseph Pincombe spoke of the mud and the incessant shelling:

“We had to go through Ypres and up the Menin Road…Everywhere, as far as you could see, there were spurts of earth from shells bursting and bursts of shrapnel and high explosive…We could see stretcher-bearers coming through the mud to bring the wounded out. They were up to their knees in it, wallowing in it, struggling up carrying their stretchers to the field dressing-stations at the roadside. We could see the doctors and orderlies outside, working in their shirtsleeves, even in the rain, and everywhere, all over the road and shoved to the side were broken wagons, gun carriages and dead horses. You couldn’t speak, the gunfire was so terrific, but you don’t really hear the explosions individually – you just see them going off like geysers shooting up in the air. As far as you could see in front of you and to either side, there was nothing but mud, mud, mud for miles and just a few stumps of trees here and there and all hell let loose around you.”

Movement over many parts of the battlefield was only possible by means of miles of planking, called duckboards laid down by the Royal Engineers and the Pioneer Corps.

Private Richard Mercer spoke of these duckboards and their particular hazards:

“Passchendaele was just a terrible, terrible place. We used to walk along these wooden duckboards — something like ladders laid on the ground. The Germans would concentrate on these things. If a man was hit and wounded and fell off he could easily drown in the mud and never be seen again. You just did not want to go off the duckboards.”

In the 3rd Battle of Ypres, the Germans used for the first time the terror weapon of mustard gas, a vaporising liquid that causes hideous burns and blisters.

Padre William Doyle spoke of his horror at the sight of a victim:

“The first thing I saw almost unnerved me – a young soldier lying on his back, his hands and face a mass of blue phosphorus flame. He was the first victim I had seen of the new mustard gas the Germans were using.”

As in any battle, if you were seriously wounded and not long for this world, it was good to have a mate beside you.

Private Harry Patch was in a situation like that:

“I fell in a trench. There was a fella there. He must have been about our age [nineteen]. He was ripped shoulder to waist with shrapnel. I held his hand for the last sixty seconds of his life. He only said one word: ‘Mother.’ I didn't see her, but she was there. No doubt about it. He passed from this life into the next, and it felt as if I was in God’s presence. I’ve never got over it. You never forget it. Never.

“Some of the boys buried here are the same age as me, killed on the same day I was fighting [aged nineteen]. Any one of them could have been me. I didn't know whether I would last longer than five minutes. We were the Poor Bloody Infantry and we were expendable. What a terrible waste.”

I’ve mentioned the Dominion troops.

Private Reginald Le Brun was a Canadian machine gunner. Like many Dominion soldiers, he was a first generation colonial. He had been born in the Channel Island of Jersey and afterwards he and his parents had emigrated to Canada where he’d grown up – yet more close links with the old country.

He said this about seeing most of his mates killed and wounded, something that happened to many WW1 survivors.

“They pushed the machine-guns right out in front. There was nothing between us and the Germans across the swamp. Three times during the night they shelled us heavily, and we had to keep on spraying bullets into the darkness to keep them from advancing. The night was alive with bullets. By morning, of our team of six, only my buddy Private Tombes and I were left. Then came the burst that got Tombes. It got him right in the head. His blood [and everything] spattered all over the front of my greatcoat and gas-mask. I was there trying to wipe it all off. It was a terrible feeling to be the only one left.”

Women as well as men served in the Flanders campaign.

Sister Jean Calder, who served in a Casualty Clearing Station:

“We’d had boys coming in all week…and we’d been busy, but the ones we got at the weekend were in a shocking state, because so many of them had been lying out in the mud before they could be picked up by the first-aid orderlies. Their clothes were simply filthy…We had to cut them off and do what we could. But it was too late for a lot of them, and many a one lost an arm or a leg that would have healed up right away if he’d been brought straight in. We felt terribly sorry for them but we had to try not to show our feelings, because it would never have done. We’d all have been sunk in gloom and then we’d have been no good to the men…But it was hard not to show sympathy.”

You can understand why the lads tended to regard the nursing Sisters as “The Roses of No-man’s Land.”

No Blacks or Indians

No black African or Indian units fought at Passchendaele. It was recognised by the end of 1915 that their infantry could not withstand the prolonged, combined cold and wet of the autumn and winter months on the Western Front.

No disrespect to those races but I know of no complaints of discrimination resulting from that conclusion. However, it raises the question, why populate a country like Britain with black Africans and Asians. In the long term, it would only weaken that nation’s physical resilience. I guess that is the agenda.


When Harry Patch made his first visit back to the Flanders salient about three years ago, he said to his driver that he did not want to go anywhere near Pilkem Ridge. Pilkem Ridge is on the extreme left of the salient and it was the place where Harry was wounded and his three mates were killed. The memories were still painful, after almost 90 years.

But later on during the visit, he asked to be taken up to Pilkem so that he could place a wreath at the memorial, in memory of his three friends. And so he did.

He attached a card to the wreath and it read, “You have never been forgotten.”

And we should never forget.

We owe so much to the men – and women- who served in Flanders Fields. It’s our fight now, for race and nation. Let’s keep on until we win the victory, like they did. Thank you.


Friday, 27 July 2007

100 attend branch meeting

100 people packed the room for Thursday’s BNP meeting. We had 5 speakers including 2 guest speakers who were Andrew Spence and Nick Griffin.

The first speaker was Andrew Harris who talked about the floods and the future of the BNP. Kevin Broughton then spoke about the need for activists and asked for many more to come forward. He also talked about the 3 stages to power.

After a short recess James MacPherson took to the flower and gave a very motivating speech which captured everyone in the room. Many people complimented him on the speech including Nick Griffin.

There was then another short recess and the small buffet was opened to everyone in the room. It was well liked by all.

Andrew Spence then got up and talked about the Sedgefield election and how one man can make a difference. He was a fuel protester. He told us how one man who takes a stand can bring a country to a standstill.

Nick Griffin then talked about the antiwhite racism going on in this country and the killing of Keith Brown who became the latest victim of multiculturalism. He talked about going to the funeral and receiving disgusting questions from a lady hack who asked “but didn’t he deserve to be stabbed?”.

There was then a short recess and there was a raffle and then donations which raised more than £150. Nick then gave a short questions and answers session.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

7 activists go to the seaside!

7 Teesside activists joined activists from Scarborough, York and Bridlington to take part in a day of action in the seaside resort of Whitby.

The event was attended by 14 enthusiastic activists who were organised into small groups. There were 2 stalls around town selling BNP merchandise as well as 4 activists selling newspapers in different areas of town. Atleast one team of newspaper sellers managed to sell almost half of the newspapers that were given to them as well as receiving a number of donations from interested members of the public.

While merchandise was being sold other committed activists were pounding the streets leafleting many households in the area.

Unfortunately the day of action was drawn to a premature close after bad weather intervened but spirits remained high.

Scarborough BNP has more photos of the day if you would like to see them.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

North Ormesby leafleted

Leafleting isn’t just for elections which is why Cleveland BNP decided to get a head start by leafleting North Ormesby in Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough has the most potential yet we never stood any candidates in the area. We hadn’t even leafleted the area until today.

The day started at 10.30 with 6 activists – 2 women and 4 men leafleting the area in threes. Among the most adventurous places that was leafleted was a Hindu Cultural Centre and a police station – yes even the police deserve a few leaflets especially the leaflets on crime. It’s strange how they had two letterboxes but that just meant more leaflets for them.

At 12.30 the activists had a drink, lunch and a chat about their day in the local pub for an hour where they were joined by a 7th activist for the next part of the leafleting session. The day finished at 2.30 with only a few leaflets left over.

Friday, 18 May 2007

Teesside MPs vote to deceive

MPs have voted to exempt themselves from the Freedom of Information Act meaning that they won’t have to inform us how they spend our money or anything like that. They have placed themselves above the law. We should have the right to know what our money is being spent on.

How did your MP vote? Read this to see how your MP voted.

MPs for Teesside stand up for our right to know. They either never even bothered to turn up to vote or voted for the bill. Those that didn’t even bother to turn up were Ashok Kumar, Vera Baird, Frank Cook and Iain Wright.

Dari Taylor and Stuart Bell both voted for the bill.

Remember these people work for you and are paid by your money that they take through taxes. You should have every right to know how they spend it. They forget that the time will come where we can punish them at the ballot box. Hopefully they will regret their act of betrayal.

Branch meeting held

More than 40 members and supporters attended the first post election branch meeting on Thursday. Can you spot the skin head? We can’t. This is what normal members of the BNP look like:

Before the meeting began BNP merchandise were on sale. Lots of merchandise was bought from books to T-shirts.

The meeting began with a speech from James MacPherson who is the Stockton organiser and Regional Elections Officer. He talked about the election and our fantastic results. He reminded the audience that in one year there will be elections in Hartlepool and the BNP will be ready but need money and committed activists to take Hartlepool. Ronnie Bage will be standing like he did this time. Achieving 17% of the vote we think we can win the ward but we need money and activists.

After James we had another speech by Andrew Harris who was the Teesside organiser for many years but handed the title over to Ron Armes. Andrew talked about when he joined in 1999. There were only 3 members in the whole of Teesside. He took the leadership role and built it into an area that has many more members, so many that instead of having only 3 members Teesside now has 3 separate branches giving each area it’s own leader and the ability to focus on the area. We expect to increase the branches to 5 within 2 years if all goes to plan. Infact we already have someone interested in starting a Redcar branch and moving Redcar forward.

After Andy finished, the audience were directed to the small buffet which everyone seemed to enjoy. During the break a collection was also taken with many people contributing.

After the break a raffle was held. First prize was a framed picture of St George and second prize was a bottle of wine and torch.

After that speeches and the raffle we had a BNP quiz. Team Infidels beat everyone and won £20 prize money which they donated half of to the BNP.

Once the quiz ended Alan O’Reilly gave the last of the speeches lasting 20 minutes talking about the issues we face today including the EU, Islam and uncontrolled immigration.

At the end of the night the money raised was counted and the audience was told that they raised around £200 for Teesside BNP through the quiz, raffle and donations. Considering that there were only 40 members and supporters attending which is a considerable amount meaning that on average each person gave £5. £5 is all it takes to win our country back. How will you be helping to win Britain back?

Monday, 7 May 2007

Result analysis

Analysing the results in Redcar and Cleveland we have found that our results were better than expected. In 3 wards we faced challenges from the Liberal Democrats. In 2 out of 3 wards we beat them. In 4 wards we faced a challenge from the Conservatives and we beat them in 3 wards.

Things were even better than first thought when we found that in Southbank 17% of the electorate voted BNP but sadly people were allowed 3 votes which put our overall vote down to 7%. If people stuck with 1 vote the race could have been a very close, it may have even been to close to call.

The results weren’t so good in Stockton we faced UKIP 3 times beating them twice. We faced the Liberal Democrats once and unfortunately lost once. We faced the Conservatives 5 times beating them twice. In an area which the Labour party is strong we went up against them 5 times and lost 5 times.

Things weren’t all bad in Stockton. In Stockton Town Centre we came third but unfortunately it was a two seat ward. The lack of success in Stockton can be placed at the fact that UKIP and strong independents split the vote in many areas.

Friday, 4 May 2007

No BNP councillors elected

All results except 1 ward are finally in and unfortunately we never won any council seats. It was a bit disappointing but most of the wards that we stood in we were fighting for the very first time and for our first time we did well.

Coatham (2):
Theresa Cave (Lab), 305
*Josie Crawford (Lib Dem), 415
*Irene Curr (Lib Dem), 327
Edward Dolan (Ind), 289
Paul Harrison (BNP), 137
David Taylerson (Con), 113
*Peter Todd (Lab), 260
Jimmy Willis (Ind) 285

Eston (3):

Liz Beadle (Ind), 841
Wayne Burdett (BNP), 174
Colin Crawford (Lib Dem) 86 Beryl Dunning (Lab), 780
*Ann Higgins (Ind), 890
Russell Hutchinson (Con), 113
Olwyn Peters (Lab), 857
John Simms (Lab), 812
Carol Smith (Lib Dem), 120
*Vincent Smith (Ind), 781
Pat Todd (Lib Dem) 67

Skelton (3):
*Brian Briggs (Lab), 1897
Kevin Broughton (BNP), 171
James Carrolle (Con), 672
Colin Harbinson (Ind), 354
Debbie Harbinson (Ind), 342
Stephanie Hinson (Con), 642
Michael King (Con), 667
*Dave McLuckie (Lab), 1752
*Helen McLuckie (Lab).1676

South Bank (3):
Dawn Castle (BNP) 249
Alan Green (Ind) 260
*Pearl Hall (Lab) 852
Dorothy Hutton (Con) 179
*Ian Jeffrey (Lab) 874
Gail Leggett (Lib Dem) 169

Richard Ovens (Lib Dem) 138
Alexandra Stamp (Lib Dem) 45

*Sylvia Szintai (Lab) 751

Newtown (3)
A Ayre (NIP) 347
PW Baker (Lab)* 565
B Gibson (Lab)* 620
S Hogg (UKIP) 131
D James (Cons) 87
G Mann (Cons) 154
R Parker (NIP) 369
WE Pickering (BNP) 189
BP Pugh (UKIP) 106

Roseworth (2)
J Beall (Lab) 972
B Inman (Lab)* 881
GH Parkin (UKIP 291
S Pugh (BNP) 155
M Smailes (Cons) 185
RW Smith (UKIP) 216
H West (Cons) 144

Stockton Town Centre (2)
RW Bleach (Cons) 169
DW Coleman (Lab)* 802
P Kirton (Lab)* 747
J Nunn (BNP) 202
B Richardson (None) 189
J Wellington (Cons) 162

Village (2)
J Chapman (Cons) 209
I Delgarno (TIA)* 969
M Eddy (TIA) 1066
B Robinson (Lab)* 552
WN Sinclair (BNP) 188
MG Stammers (Lab) 477
D Wardell (Cons) 195

While unfortunately we never won any councillors the results will allow us to plan our strategy for the next election so we know which wards we should be targeting.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Election Day

It is finally Election Day. In our campaign so far we delivered over 25,000 leaflets fighting 10 seats. Our enquiries are running at levels we have never seen before.

Our people are in high spirits and are convinced this will be a fantastic day for Britain. We will be victorious!

Unfortunately our council is counting the votes on Friday morning which means there won’t be any results on this blog until atleast Friday afternoon.

Vote BNP!

Imagine a country where we elect our leaders in free and fair elections where there is no vote fraud. Imagine these elected leaders having limited power over us because of a bill of rights, unable to impose their will on us by stripping us of our freedom.

Imagine a country where citizens have regular referendums on areas that concern citizens. Imagine if citizens were the highest legislators of the land and those elected could not over rule them.

Imagine a country where the guilty are punished and our soldiers are made to feel like heroes.

Imagine a country that puts the needs of its elderly before those coming into the country who have never lived here before.

Imagine a country where all citizens have access to free healthcare and vulnerable citizens aren’t left alone for days on end in hospital left to fend for themselves.

Imagine a country where those that have been living in the country for years get priority for housing so they can start a family and bring their children up.

Imagine a country that actually helps workers and not leave them to be exploited by wealthy businessmen whose only loyalty is to their money.

Imagine a country which hires people based on their skill and not because of their race.

Can you imagine all that? Do you want it? Vote BNP! The only chance you have of getting a country like that is by voting BNP. Tomorrow go into that voting booth and vote BNP and be proud!

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Stockton finished

Today, the last ward in central Stockton where the BNP is standing a candidate was finally leafleted with the 'Where We Stand' leaflets. This means that ever household in Stockton should have had a leaflet.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

BNP take on UKIP

On Thursday Cleveland BNP successfully infiltrated a UKIP meeting in Stockton. Unfortunately 3 of the 8 spies were discovered. We think that they were discovered because they were the only ones not about to start claiming their pension.

The night was quite boring until it was raffle time. Our people were not happy with the prize that they won. Indeed, a balloon should never be a prize in a raffle especially when your audience are a bunch of 60 year olds. The Margaret Thatcher DVD looked like a pot of gold in comparison.

Our members managed to find out what UKIP were planning and we planned accordingly and today the first part of the plan began. 12 activists busily leafleted the whole of Roseworth Ward before lunch. The activists then met up for refreshments at a local pub and then leafleted Newtown ward. At the same time UKIP was seen out and about leafleting and driving about in cars with the UKIP banner on.

Within minutes of the leafleting finishing we received a phone call from an elderly lady who said she was definitely going to vote for us and she would help out a little the next time we leafleted her ward. She also requested a few posters to put in her window.

As was stated earlier in the week we also found out the plans of Labour and we found out that our intelligence was correct when our same spy came across them handing out leaflets outside Netto. Our spy had a chat with them without telling them who our spy was. Strangely 1 of the candidates wasn't even present and no one has seen him campaigning.

Friday, 27 April 2007

BNP leaflet Southbank

6 activists took to the streets and leafleted the whole of Southbank Ward. There were no major events except for a disgruntled elderly woman who came out of her home and shouted at two of the leafletters calling them “evil” over and over again before she went back inside.

The rest of the day went good with refreshments in a local pub and then off to leaflet again.

At 4pm James Mcpherson had a short interview with Radio Cleveland which will be broadcast between 7am - 10am on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Local paper not even acknowledging BNP candidates

It seems like our local paper, The Evening Gazette, has decided on a policy of going one further than the other papers who give have a ‘no platform for the BNP. Our Evening Gazette is using ‘No Acknowledgement of the BNP’.

In a news story today they mentioned the coming elections. Here is a quote:

Elsewhere, Eston is always one of the most keenly contested wards and 2007 looks no exception, with 11 candidates.

Going for the three seats are sitting members, Eston independents Ann Higgins and Vincent Smith, Independent Liz Beadle, Lib Dems Pat Todd, Colin Crawford and Carol Smith, Tory Russell Hutchinson and, for Labour, Beryl Dunning, Olwyn Peters and John Simms.

They say there are 11 candidates. Count them and you will find they haven’t mentioned the BNP candidate for the ward which is me (Wayne Burdett). At first I thought it must be a simple error but then I was told that it had happened before during the general election when they didn't acknowledge any of the parliamentary candidates even though the candidates sent in lengthy profiles of themselves

I have to wonder is this a ploy to stop people from knowing that they will be able to vote BNP at the election?

Monday, 23 April 2007

BNP leaflet Coatham

On Sunday 16 committed activists were out in force leafleting Coatham Ward. The response was excellent with interested members of the public asking questions about the BNP. The leafleting was done in good time which allowed the activists to start on Southbank before they took a much needed break in the local pub where they had drinks and talked about the day.

Our time is coming.

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Village Ward leafletted

7 hardworking activists leafleted Village Ward in Thornaby earlier today. The people of the ward were very friendly, some even came out to greet our activists and eagerly took leaflets to give to family members while others came out of their homes to discuss our policies.

The BNP leafleting teams have a long week ahead of them as they have planned a number of leafleting sessions, both during the morning and during the evening to make sure that everyone gets a leaflet so they know who to vote for.

Cleveland Labour group discuss strategy

The Labour Group today held a private meeting in the Labour club in Eston. Some notable Labour members were there including our MP Vera Baird. Our Spy tells us that the meeting started at 12 and went on after 1pm when our spy left.

Our spy tells us it was a very interesting meeting. Among things that were discussed were issues surrounding the Eston candidates. Apparently some of the candidates aren’t up to scratch…

They also discussed their general strategy. We can’t tell you any more except that our spy understands that they will begin canvassing next Saturday. The BNP is considering doing a rival canvas on the same day and planning our strategy to negate theirs.

In compiling this blog entry we would like to thank the spy (or spies) for all their hard work in finding out the information. We would also like to thank the Labour group for being so welcoming to our spy even if you didn’t know there was a spy.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Gather The Search Parties!

Police issued an appeal today to help them solve a "racially motivated incident" between a white nine-year-old and a five-year-old Asian boy at a play area.

The abuse took place in Summerhill Park, Hartlepool, when the bigger boy was with two adults, two other children, and two babies.

A Cleveland Police spokesman said: "The incident occurred when an Asian mother with her eight-year-old daughter and five-year-old son, while playing in the play area, were subject to racial abuse from a white male.

"This male pushed the five-year-old son over, causing him to stumble. Fortunately, no injuries were caused.

"The juvenile was in company with two adult white females, two other children aged between eight and 10, and two babies in pushchairs.

"The juvenile male suspect is white, is nine or ten years of age, of chunky build, with short bright ginger hair."

The boy wore a dark T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, while the women had their hair tied back and also wore tracksuits, the police spokesman said of the incident, which took place on Saturday at 5.30pm.

How do we know that this was a racist incident? Were any racist words said? How do we know that it wasn’t just simple bullying?

Monday, 16 April 2007

BNP launch manifesto

The British National Party has launched their 2007 council manifesto which can be read here.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

BNP field 10 candidates

In the coming elections in May the British National Party will be fielding 10 candidates, it’s highest ever in Cleveland. The wards where we will be standing in are Rift House, Coatham, Eston, Skelton, Southbank, Billingham North, Newtown, Roseworth, Stockton Town Centre and Stockton Village.

This election is particularly significant because the Eston candidate, a man of 19 is believed to be the youngest candidate for councillor in the United Kingdom in many decades, possibly ever. Wayne Burdett (19) was quoted as saying ‘In the last election the Labour party was annihilated in Eston after showing how utterly inept they were. The people of Eston placed their trust in the Eston Independents who haven’t actually done anything since they were elected.

Since the last election we have seen local bus services become almost none existent in some parts of Redcar and Cleveland and those services that still exist are either late or don’t turn up which is making it hard on the elderly and those heavily reliant on public transport. Is it too much to ask for a public transport system that serves the whole community which we can rely on?’

Wayne went on to say 'I think I am extremely likely to win especially when there are 11 candidates all splitting the vote. I guess I will just have to thank the Lib Dems for that'.

A spokesman for the BNP said ‘the BNP go into the election with high spirits and the confidence that we will win. We have already decided on a local manifesto which includes better public transport, an end to halal lamb which is served in all schools and a halt to anymore raises in the salary of local councillors which has risen by £3710 this year alone which is a disgrace and a slap in the face to all those hard working council tax payers who have to cough up more in council tax just to pay for their greed’.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Normanby Councillor faces jail sentence

A COUNCILLOR could be facing a jail sentence after dishonestly claiming £6,500 in benefits.

Redcar and Clevelandcouncillor, David Tomlin, 64, pleaded guilty to three counts of false representation at Teesside Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

Hat tip: Barnsley Nationalists

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Nick Griffin answers UKIP's questions

I just received this in my email:

Subject: David Noakes of UKIP asks questions about the BNP & Nick Griffin answers

This exchange brokered via a go between makes for interesting reading. Well worth a few moments of your time.

For by reading this you might begin to realise that what the media and Westminster politicians have been telling you is far from being the truth.

David Noakes wrote:

If the BNP would:

1. Denounce the Nazi's, the EU, and the Soviet Union as one and
the same threat,
2. Assure us that the legacy controlled by
John Tyndall and left by Lady Birchwood, who was a Nazi and
therefore pro-EU, has been spent or is too small to have
3. Confirm that no party funding comes from the EU,
Nazi sympathisers or other dubious organisations,
4. Show that the controlling party posts have been filled by fair elections
of the membership,
5. Confirm that the BNP stands for true
democracy, the English and British people, with particular
concern for the poor and disadvantaged,

Then I would view the BNP as electable.

David Noakes.
To which the Chairman of the BNP responded:

1) We have often denounced Nazism, Communism and the EU, though
never, I admit, in the same breath. But Mr. Noakes should ponder
on the fact that our own pronouncements don't necessarily count
for much, since even if we did as he recommends (and we may well)
the media and our opponents would ensure that our stance received
no publicity;

2) I think this is actually a reference to Lady Jane Birdwood, who
never left any money to Tyndall, and was anti-EU for all that she
was rabidly anti-semitic. The only relatively big money Tyndall
had was from a
supporter in the north east of
England, and not one penny ever
came to the BNP from the moment he lost the leadership election.
By dying intestate
Tyndall deliberately left it to his family. So there never was any
'Nazi gold' to influence the BNP, and most certainly not since I
ook over in 1999;

3) We have never received, do not receive and would not accept
funding from the EU - except for whatever would be due to MEPs
post-2009 (a large proportion of which will be channelled to party

4) I was elected leader by a large majority of the party
membership voting in a free, fair, secret ballot of all paid up
members, in which nearly 90% of them participated. It only takes a
member of five years or more to declare his or her candidacy, and
for that person to be supported by five
other paid up members, to trigger an automatic leadership
election. So despite the fact that all other positions are filled
by nominated by the elected leader, I would submit that our system
is more genuine
democratic and open than that of any other party. We are,
furthermore, in the process of passing policy-making and
endorsement over to a system where such things would be decided by
conference vote by Voting Members (a status automatically open to
all ordinary members on display of simple
and unbiased evidence of genuine commitment);

5. Confirmed - see our manifesto and statement of principles. I am
pleased to see Mr. Noakes' concern for the poor and disadvantaged,
because the common image of UKIPers tends to be somewhat
reactionary and pro-globalist,
and hence implicitly in favour of the exploitation or at best
neglect of this section of our nation.

As for electability, we have far more elected first-past-the-post
councillors than UKIP, so are clearly already electable. And even
UKIP's MEPs are there in part because the 'threat' of a BNP
breakthrough pushed Labour, Tory and BBC spin-masters into 'talking up' UKIP in order
to act as an unwitting safety valve

Monday, 1 January 2007

2006- A Year in Review

This is a post from my other blog called Central News.

Today we are having a look back at the year gone by.

In February Nick Griffin was cleared of two charges and the jury could not come to a verdict on the other two charges. Later in the year he had another trial where he was cleared of all charges. It was a massive victory for free speech.

In February, the same month, it was found that 40% of Muslims want Sharia law introduced into Britain.

In the very same month John Prescott decided to destroy local democracy by banning councillors from voting if they had an opinion on the issue beforehand which means that councillors could not represent the views of their constituents.

In March we found that nursery rhymes are being rewritten so they won’t offend anyone. Thanks to that we are now going to sing baa baa rainbow sheep. Just 5 days later a mayoress was stripped of her position after joining the BNP. While BNP members were being attacked, suspected terrorists were able to tour around the houses of parliament as guests of Labour peers. But what can you expect when our own government goes ahead and saves the lives of terrorists that kill our soldiers in Iraq?

In March it also emerged that the EU will get the constitution through regardless of democratic opinion.

In April the Lords successfully got the Government to back down on making ID cards mandatory but the government decided you will have to pay for them anyway in their own sly little way. This happened on the same day as it emerged that more than half of the voters in this country want Blair out.

In April Gordon Brown decided that he would rather send £8.5 billion to Africa than pay for our crumbling NHS or pay for more prison places so we can actually jail rapists instead of cautioning rapists. In the same month the government announced they are going to put a few safeguards into the Regulatory Reform Bill but can they be changed by the bill itself? Maybe they will do something good with it and actually allow people to pay their council tax with cash?

While Blair was saying that we won’t be going to war with Iran he decided that British troops were going to take part in war games with a target that looked just like Iran.

In April, it also emerged that voters were deserting Labour in droves and going to vote BNP with some newspapers expecting them to get 70 council seats.

Lovely Mr Prescott thinking that we definitely need more housing came up with the bright idea of concreting over peoples backyards for more housing space. No wonder he wanted this to happen as it emerged that we are the biggest haven for asylum seekers in Europe.

In May the BNP made their long awaited breakthrough by doubling the amount of councillors that they had including getting a load elected on Barking and Dagenham council. These councillors were to prove a real asset as just two weeks later Barking council announced that they are going to build houses which will only be for local people. The treason continued though with our government giving free mobile phones to failed asylum seekers.

In June it emerged that multicultural communities were less trusting and less happy. This happened at around the same time that David Cameron said that improving people's happiness is a key challenge for politicians. I wonder if we were happy when a criminal got KFC to protect his human rights or I wonder if we were happy about the government giving their blessing to forced marriages? Maybe they are right about multicultural societies. You had to think that especially when it emerged that Muslim police are more corrupt and that the government were thinking about giving amnesty to half a million illegals.

In August it emerged that Britain presents a greater security threat to the United States than Iran or Iraq.

In September it got even worse for local democracy when councillors were banned from voting on things not just if they held an opinion but if they owned something like a mobile phone and were voting on something like mobile phone masts. In the spirit of democracy 11 ‘anti-fascist’ campaigners targeted a teacher from Burton because he belonged to the BNP. In the spirit of freedom Muslims threatened violence in Australia after they were told to act civilised. In the very same month the MCB threatened Britain with terrorism. Threats weren’t too bad but Belgium received much worse when they had Ramadan riots.

The EU decided that it was time to change national boundaries and create trans-national regions. The EU also decided that workers could no longer decide how long they can work overtime.

In the same month the government gave 80,000 bogus asylum seekers amnesty to live here. The insanity continued when the government announced that they were going to fine cyclists £2500 for not having a bell. The country was getting weirder after the CBI announced that they were against large scale immigration which undermined wages while the unions were for it. Too bad the queen wasn’t thinking the same way as the CBI when she hired Eastern Europeans.

The insanity continued when it emerged that police could actually lose their jobs for chasing criminals. It didn’t stop there. A member of the BNP was found guilty of a racially aggravated offence despite the fact that a victim didn’t come forward and despite the fact the only witness wasn’t 100% sure of what was said. Of course the insanity continued. It reached it’s climax when the police decided to consult potential terrorists on the arrests of terrorists and when they decided the foreign prisoners that they didn’t deport were no longer a priority. No matter. Atleast the immigrants were taking priest jobs too. It’s just a pity teachers weren’t flooding in to take care of all the children that schools were too overwhelmed to take.

While our troops were fighting for freedom in foreign countries their families were banned from protesting in Manchester. In a further move against freedom it emerged that those constituencies that had not voted Labour would have their hospitals closed. Labour liked the feel of taking away our freedom so decided that serious crimes could be punished by £100 fines and no jail time and there would be no trial even if you were innocent.

It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian or not. In Bulwell you will be buried the Islamic way. Muslims felt the same with football when they decided that junior football should not be played during Ramadan because it might disadvantage their players.

September was a busy month for the idiots in government but October was the worst. Muslims were pissed after someone made a Mohammed bobblehead and the church decided that god might be a woman and shouldn’t be referred to as ‘he’ anymore.

In the same month prisons became full to capacity. The immigration crisis also started to get worse when it was revealed that 1 million more migrants might be arriving soon which made it not so surprising when it was revealed that immigration numbers are the largest in the history of Britain. Immigration also lead to English becoming a foreign language in most primary schools and TB becoming prevalent in London.

The EU also showed that they don’t know what democracy is when they passed a motion that most never voted in favour of.

In October Blair said that troops will get whatever they need but then we found out he was lying. He managed to slyly show that he wasn’t lying by renting helicopters off private companies. While Blair was lying through his teeth the head of the army was threatened with the sack after he told the truth.

Blair decided on an ingenious solution for dealing with the prisons crisis. He decided to let prisoners escape. Why they didn’t build more prisons is beyond me but maybe they wasted it paying for research into pockets. I don’t think they did because they managed to have enough money to pay prisoners to leave prisons. Blair was also releasing prisoners in droves and they were re-offending in droves.

It also emerged that diversity sucks after a scientific study found that diverse communities are the least trusting.

Common sense got a girl arrested after she asked to be moved into another group in her science lesson because she couldn’t speak their language or rather they couldn’t speak hers. We found out the police don’t have common sense when they decided to muzzle police dogs and make them head butt running criminals.

It emerged that alcoholics and drug addicts were being paid incapacity benefit.

In yet another waste of taxpayers money a council spent £10,000 on a ‘who said baa’ investigation. The NHS also decided to waste money by spending £300,000 on removing tattoos.

Bin men were turned into police after the government decided that they are going to let bin men fine you.

The EU was seen again. This time they were deciding whether or not we should have car lights on during the day while they were also deciding on how to murder tens of millions of animals. They also planned to seize British waters and make them 'common maritime space' and do away with the pint of beer. Why don’t we get out of the EU after all less than half of our trade is with the EU.

While the government were acting like clowns they were giving clowning lessons to refugees. While Eastern Europeans were undercutting Brits the government decided to stop anymore Africans from coming in even though Eastern Europeans were the bigger problem.

We found that Alqaeda was winning the battle of ideas with British Muslims but we decided to let more in anyway and the newspapers admitted that 50% of all victims of racial murders are white and most victims of racially motivated crime are white. In a similar story there was a victory for justice when the murderers of Kriss Donald were found guilty. In another victory for justice Nick Griffin and Mark Collette were found innocent on all charges.

The BBC finally admitted they were biased but we knew that anyway.

Labour decided that it is a rarity that they do their job so decided that those living in councils which do their job properly will be taxed more.

In November we found that 10% of crime was committed by immigrants. We found that antisocial behaviour caused by our teenagers is caused by family breakdowns.

Hundreds of young Muslims were found to be becoming radicalised.

Drug addicts in prison received a payout from the government because they were forced to stop taking drugs. This was while the government was banning smoking in public even though more than half of violent offenders just receive a caution. Police also decided they wanted to become just a little bit more fascist and ban people from causing offence. I don’t know why they would want to do that. Think of the paperwork involved.

Blair was caught lying to troops again about military equipment and we found that half of all boarder police work in an office.

While Mr Blair was lying to troops he was also charging them the privilege of risking their lives.

We found that Labour was acting corruptly when we found that council taxes were going into Labour party coffers.

This month despite MPs being incompetent they decided they want more money, £100,000 to be exact. They also decided to help migrants get more money by getting them to learn about all the different benefits that they can claim. While loads of people were entering it was found that 10% of Brits live overseas. Shock about immigration didn’t stop there. We found that 1 legal immigrant was entering this country every minute.

The EU was in the news again when they decided to close down a business even though their own court told them to re-open it.

The NHS decided to waste more money by giving people dancing lessons and trampolining lessons. People were getting angry at schools after it was found that they serve halal.

It was also revealed that only 129 of the 1013 foreign criminals had been deported. This is probably just one of he reasons why they have no chance of winning the next election. The other reason is that they are making people work as slaves.

The Guardian having been investigating the BNP for more than a year exposed the BNP as normal.